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Selena Gomez turns 18 years old today. Selena LA Times interview. On R & B: 'I wanted something that was just perfect for my audience. I didn't want to do anything that was too much off the rail just yet.' Director Elizabeth Allen said:

'She chose this, which was not a big payday, and she's a supporting role. I think many other kids in her position would have taken the money and the leading role, but she felt there was a pedigree to the property, and she had never been in a feature film. She wanted to work with a high-caliber cast, and soak up all their abilities.'

Selena, 'Any role at this point I was really grateful to have, and this is my first theatrical role, so I wanted to make sure I really learned and was on my best behavior. Not that I'm not always.'

She doesn't see herself as the good girl of the Miley Cyrus school: 'No, I never wanted that title. I don't want that title. I don't want any title. I know that I've been called those things multiple times, but I don't aspire to be that. I've always, always said that I'm not perfect. I'm human. I get mad. I get sad. I have all those emotions, but I just like to keep them to myself.'

On BFF Joey King:'I feel kind of weird that a 10-year-old has become my best friend, but OK, I'll go with it.. I'm fully aware of where I started, and that is Disney Channel. They're what gave me everything, in a way. And I love my fans. They mean the absolute world to me. So whenever I make my music or go with my clothing line or pick roles, it's all about making sure that they can go see it.'


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TV Appearances:
07/20 - Jonas L.A. Soundtrack
08/09 - Teen Choice Awards
08/10 - Camp Rock 2 Soundtrack
08/13 - GMA Concert Series with Demi
09/03 - Camp Rock 2 Premiere
10/03 - Les Miserables 25th Anniversary concert at The O2
August 7 Chicago, IL
August 8 Indianapolis, IN
August 10 Cincinnati, OH
August 11 Pittsburgh, PA
August 12 Washington, DC
August 13 Hartford, CT
August 14 Hershey, PA
August 16 & 17 Holmdel, NJ
August 21 & 22 Wantagh, NY
August 25 & 26 Boston, MA
August 27 Camden, NJ
August 28 Atlantic City, NJ
August 29 Virginia Beach, VA
August 31 Cleveland, OH
September 1 Detroit, MI
September 2 & 3 Toronto, ON
September 4 Montreal, QB
September 7 West Palm Beach, FL
September 8 Tampa, FL
September 10 San Antonio, TX
September 11 Houston, TX
September 12 Dallas, TX
September 16 San Diego, CA
September 17 Sacramento, CA
September 18 San Francisco, CA
September 19 Irvine, CA
October 21 Monterrey, Mexico
October 23 Guadalajara, Mexico
October 24 Mexico City, Mexico
October 26 San Jose, Costa Rica
October 28 Bogota, Columbia
October 30 Lima, Peru
November 2 Santiago, Chile
November 4 Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 6 Sao Paulo, Brazil
November 7 Rio de Janiero, Brazil
November 9 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Comming Soon






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