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Xavier Samuel got thrown into A-list celebrity status after his role of Riley in the Twilight Saga's third film Eclipse. After the movie's success you'd think he'd be feeling the pressure to follow up with another blockbuster film, but he doesn't feel that way at all.

"I kind of don't really think about that sort of stuff," he told to MTV News, "I was just kind of focused on doing a good job."

He doesn't have the same pressure as the rest of the cast. Unfortunately (stop reading if you haven't seen the film because this is a spoiler) because his character, Riley, was killed off, he will not be returning to film the highly anticipated two-part finale of the books and film, Breaking Dawn.

"I don't know if it's relief - I'd love to be a part of these stories," he said. "They're so cool. Again it's wonderful to be a part of something with such magnitude. The longer you can be a part of it, the better. But you're right: Riley does have this vicious encounter with a wolf..."

Is there any hope of seeing more of Xavier as a vampire in the next film? Xavier confessed that he wouldn't mind if Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter, put a little bit of Riley in Breaking Dawn.

"Flashbacks...That'd be perfect."


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TV Appearances:
07/20 - Jonas L.A. Soundtrack
08/09 - Teen Choice Awards
08/10 - Camp Rock 2 Soundtrack
08/13 - GMA Concert Series with Demi
09/03 - Camp Rock 2 Premiere
10/03 - Les Miserables 25th Anniversary concert at The O2
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September 19 Irvine, CA
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October 23 Guadalajara, Mexico
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